March 4, 2009


I learned a lesson last night. Don't try to give Jeannie a pill. She was a wild thing. and I have 3 bites to prove it. The lady at the rescue gave me a worming pill for her that I thought I would wait to give until she was more comfortable here. She's a skinny little thing so I thought it might really be worms so last night I gave it a try. BIG mistake. She got me 3 times, once on my middle finger on my left hand and 2 times on my first finger on my right hand. The one that really hurts is where she got me next to my finger nail. I'd try for photos of my war injuries but my fingers don't work! It's hard to type using one finger on my left hand!! All I can say is OUCH. And I'm afraid I've scared her once again.....

Oh, and the pill is on the floor - not in Jeannie.


ZOOLATRY said...

No Jeannie dreams... just
Jeannie nightmares! Poor Mom...
an owie.

Margaret Cloud said...

Some cats are hard to give a pill to. I use to wrap Melody in a towel and my husband would hold her tight, even then it was a struggle. I know how sore those finger bites are, I was taking a stray cat to our back shed, I had gloves on and thought I was safe, he nailed me through my right hand pointer finger, right through the finger nail and out the other side and I was wearing heavy duty gloves.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Ouch! We're sorry Jeannie gave you so many ouchies. She must have been really scared and really determined.

Lisa said...

ouch! sorry! put some neo on it and you should be good as new in no time!

Just Ducky said...

Try pill pockets, or ask the vet if you can grind it up and put the pieces into some wet cat food.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Ouch! I had to give Praline a few pills when she was sick a couple of weeks ago, but she didn't get violent. I hope your fingers heal quickly!

Cat with a Garden said...

Healing purrs to you! We think the towel might be the only way to give it to her. Good luck and a fast healing!!!