March 26, 2009

Summer's V-E-T report

Summer received her report card from yesterday's V-E-T checkup. I still need to collect a urine sample, and if that is ok, then we need to do more blood work to check her thyroid. Something made her lose that weight.


Sweet Purrfections said...

Looks like a good report from the vet! I have to have my bloods stolen in a couple of weeks, too!

Cat with a Garden said...

We have no idea - is that a good report?

Jans Funny Farm said...

We hope Summer is okay and doesn't lose any more weight.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

I hope there is nothing really bad going on with Summer!

8GR8LOLCATS said...

Joy wishes she could lose some weight... She was only 8.5 after the kittens 7 years ago... and now is 16... 12 pounds is a good weight for a Maine Coon girl... With 8 Cats it's hard to keep anyone on a real diet!

Margaret Cloud said...

I hope the rest of Summers test are okay.

Poppy Q said...

What a great vet report. We might have to show that to our vet, as we don't get any paperwork at our checkup.

Teddy Westlife said...

I hope Summer's wee test goes well!

Huffle Mawson

Lux said...

I'm sending Summer lots of good energy that all is well!