March 20, 2009

Sending good thoughts to Ann from Zoolatry and Praline's mom Paula

All of us here at Peggy's Place

are sending good thoughts to Ann and Paula who are having human VETs mess with them today.

Here are some flowers to brighten your day.

Summer, Babe, Isis, Bob, Romeo, Jeannie and their mom Peggy.


Sweet Purrfections said...

Awwwwwwww! Thank you so much for thinking about my mom. I'll report to the CB on Saturday how things went.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

What lovely flowers!! Good of you to think of your friends!

Margaret Cloud said...

The flowers are very nice, I like the frame of all you furries, purrs to all you.

Country Cats said...

You are so sweet :)

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