July 19, 2011

The Very Best Treat - Cat-Man-Doo Extra Large Bonito Flakes

Something we ALL love. And that's never happened before. It's Cat-Man-Doo Extra Large Bonito Flakes. 
No, that's not a new member of Peggy's Place. But what comes in the container is just as yummy as that kitty is. And guess what? The humans at Cat-Man-Doo are just super nice. They went well beyond expectations on an order I had sent to a friend. Good humans, I tell you.

So, if you want a special treat, tell your people to get you some of these yummy flakes!!
(This is the first time mom ever wrote about a company, so you know she's impressed.)


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

WE have not tried them. Maybe we can get Mom to order some, since she has not seen them in the stores.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I dont think we get those over here but they sound realy good.. Hugs GJ x

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I dont think we get those over here but they sound realy good.. Hugs GJ x

meowmeowmans said...

Yup, that sounds about right. The only thing better than fishy flakes are EXTRA LARGE fishy flakes! :)

Sweet Purrfections said...

You fooled me. I thought there was a new kitty at Peggy's Place.

I'm back blogging again. I've set up a new blog for my future furchildren. Please come by and visit me at http://sweetpurrfections.blogspot.com

Mom Paula and Angel Praline