April 1, 2011




Karen Jo said...

Happy Birthday, Summer and Babe! Wow! Twenty years old! That's impressive. I'm not even four yet.


Sparkle said...

WOW!!! 20 years is cause for a BIG celebration! Happy birthday, Summer and Babe!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

I got superMEGA smoochies for you bootiful ladies! Happy birthday!

Kathie said...

I'm flabbergasted, you girls don't look a day over 5, what is your mom putting in your drinking water? I want some!!! Happy Birthday with lots of nip and treats!!!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Oh my ~ 20 years young! Yoo both look in great shape. Happy Birthday to beautiful Summer and Babe!

ZOOLATRY said...

Happy Birthday to two beautiful ladies ~ hope your mom takes you for an evening beach stroll and gives you extra treats today!Hugs 'n' purrs!

The Monkeys said...

Happy birthday you two! 20 is very impressive and you both look absolutely fabulous!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Happy Purrfday Summer and Babe!!!!!!!!!

Cory said...

Wowie! 20 years old!

I'm just a whippersnapper, turning 5 years old today.

It's a great day for a birthday, so I'm here to help you celebrate!!!

xoxo Cory

Kea said...

20 years old??? Wow, that's fabulous!!! Happy, happy birthday to you both!

-Fuzzy Tales

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

Wow you are both 20!!!!! Amazing. Hope you have a wonderful day celebrating!!!!

Katnip Lounge said...

TWENTY? Wow, you girls have seen it all!

Happy Purrfday, Summer and Babe! We hope you get spoled silly today, and every day!

CCL Wendy said...

Wow! You two have sure reached a ripe old age together, and we wish you many more healthy and happy ones ahead.

Happy, Happy 20th Birthday, Summer and Babe! You both rock!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Birthday Summer and Happy Birthday Babe! I hope your day is as special as you two are!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Happy birthday, Summer and Babe! You are two beautiful ladies

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy Birthday, Summer and Babe.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Happy Purrthday Summer and Babe! Wow, twenty, really? Dat is wunnerful. Hahaha..our werd verifikashun is crablerp, dat's funny...

The Island Cats said...

Happy Birthday, Summer and Babe!!

Forty Paws said...

Holy cow! 20 years is wonderful! For both of you to be there! That is great!!! Happy Purrfday Summer and Babe!

Luf, Us

Echik said...

Happy Happy Birthday Summer and Babe!! Hoped you enjoyed your day and had a wonderful one! 20 years is really a big big number, so proud of you guys!! Keep up the cat power!

♥♥♥ www.floppycats.com ♥♥♥

Daniela said...

Happy birthday Summer and Babe. Wow 20 years seems like a bazillion years to me since I'm only a few months old. Maybe you two can show me the ropes.

Your new friend,

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!! 20years old. Summer and Babe you are little old ladies..You don't look a year over 2.
Have a nice weekend,
Jude,Poo,Babybella,Piper & Marley