What human would do something dumb like throw it out (other than my dumb-est human)?!?! Heh. You are supposed to give it to the cat! In fact, I believe that is a Cat Rule.
Yeah, if it was quick I would probably "brush it off" but still eat it. And I am totally a germ freak so well, that tells you something about me, the cats, and my love of pizza.
depends how many slices are left! And how hungry I am. Eat it
(I ate it :D )
What human would do something dumb like throw it out (other than my dumb-est human)?!?! Heh. You are supposed to give it to the cat! In fact, I believe that is a Cat Rule.
Yeah, if it was quick I would probably "brush it off" but still eat it. And I am totally a germ freak so well, that tells you something about me, the cats, and my love of pizza.
I'd eat it. You just have to brush of any litter! ;)
Meowmeowmans comment made us larf and larf!!!!!
Thanks for the laugh!
Mom Paula
I say eat it the mom here disagrees. She is picturing the litter box and that back foot.
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